Giving & Stewardship

We believe that giving is an important aspect of our faith and a way to support our community. We offer several ways to give, including tithes, offerings, pledges, and the annual stewardship campaign.
Tithing is a biblical principle that involves giving a portion of your income to the church. This money is used to support the daily operations of the church and to fund various programs and outreach efforts.
Offerings are additional gifts above and beyond your regular tithes. These gifts can be designated to specific causes or ministries within the church, such as missions or youth programs.
Pledges are commitments to give a specific amount over a set period of time. This allows us to plan and budget for future projects and programs.
Our stewardship campaign is a time when we come together as a community to reflect on our blessings and commit to supporting our church. During this time, we encourage everyone to prayerfully consider their giving and make a pledge for the coming year.
We believe that giving is a way to express our gratitude for all that God has given us and to support the important work of our church. We thank you for your generosity and commitment to our community.
If you have any questions about giving or would like to make a donation, please visit our website or contact our office.
As we launch our annual stewardship campaign with the theme “Reclaim: A Commitment to Our Future," Park City Community Church is poised to reaffirm our vital role in the Park City community. We are reclaiming our identity as a church deeply committed to serving our neighbors and as a congregation devoted to following Jesus' teachings. This campaign represents an opportunity to renew our love for PCCC and embrace the promising growth that lies ahead. By recommitting ourselves to our mission of offering God's unconditional love, we are transforming hope into tangible action and breaking down barriers of isolation to foster genuine connections. As we reclaim our purpose and passion, we invite you to join us in this journey of faith, service, and community-building. Together, we can make a lasting impact on Park City and beyond, living out our calling to be the hands and feet of Christ in our world.
You are invited to prayerfully consider your financial contribution during this campaign and submit your estimate of giving on Sunday, November 17th. You may also complete and deliver or mail it to the church office or complete an online form at If you submit your estimate of giving before November 17th, we will have a special commitment form for you on Commitment Sunday at worship.
Our goal for this year's stewardship campaign is ambitious yet achievable: we aim to receive 100 estimates of giving, totaling $500,000. As we continue to recover from the impacts of the pandemic, we are making significant strides in revitalizing our church community by reopening existing ministries and launching new initiatives. To support these efforts and maintain our role as a vital part of Park City, we need your financial support.
One of the current challenges we face is our loan payment for the beautiful Connection Center project, for which we owe just over $1,000,000. This translates to a monthly loan payment of approximately $9,500. Your commitments to the 2025 Ministry Funding Plan will not only support our mission and ministry work but also help us make progress toward becoming debt-free, reclaiming this building for the ministries we’re called to.
We encourage all members and friends to make an estimate of giving, especially those who have not done so in the past. Additionally, if you or your family have not yet reached the goal of tithing—giving 10% of your income to the ministry of the Church—we ask you to prayerfully consider increasing your annual giving by at least 2% in the coming year. Your generosity enables us to continue our important work in the community and beyond. Thank you for your prayerful consideration and support.
If you need to adjust your estimate of giving mid-year because of changes to your financial situation, we most certainly understand. However, we frame it this way: how difficult would it be if your employer or source of income stated that, while they would provide you a salary or pension in the coming year, they would be unable to tell you how much to expect? Even if the employer or investment firm is trustworthy, making and keeping a budget in that situation is difficult. The same is true for the church. So, we encourage everyone to consider making an estimate of giving for 2025.
There are three main ways to make offerings to the mission and ministry of Park City Community Church (UMC). The first way is by bringing your check or cash donations to Sunday worship services. At present, you may place those in offering plates. Second, you can mail your offerings to the church office. We do not recommend mailing cash gifts, as those are challenging to track and easy to lose. Finally, you can donate online via a trusted provider at You can set up a one-time transaction and/or recurring transactions to satisfy your estimate of giving. More information at
Please consider PCCC in your planned and legacy giving. For wills, trusts and other POD beneficiaries, use: Park City Community Church (United Methodist Church), a Utah nonprofit corporation, located at 4501 Hwy 224 Park City, UT 84098 and whose Tax Identification Number is 84-0485022